Creating A High-Converting Facebook Ad
May 23, 2018Facebook Video Ads Vs. Images
Running ad campaigns on Facebook means understanding the different options on offer.
Many people state video ads are far better than static images and lead to more sales. Is this true or is it made up by individuals who don't have enough experience? It's best to break things down, analyze the stats, and then come up with a final assessment.
Let's start by focusing on the incoming data. Advertisers are serious when it comes to analyzing variations and pinpointing the best option. In this case, the metrics show video ads receiving an additional 10-30% in views compared to images. According to these reports, video ads also take up 11x the space in news feeds when compared to image ads.
With these stats in mind, it's time to start breaking things down.
Video ads are wonderful and do offer better user engagement but it's important to be memorable. The video ad has to hit home with the user or they will ignore it. As more and more video ads hit the social media platform, it's become important to focus on this just as much as anything else.
Until you do this, the video ad will offer decent results but nothing out of this world. The same applies to image ad sets that are uploaded onto Facebook. Being memorable is essential in this day and age.
Level of Quality
The quality of your ad is going to matter a lot.
You can't get away with a subpar video ad as that will still lead to minimized user engagement. Instead, it is smarter to focus on building a quality video ad that's engaging, fun, and designed to convert prospective leads into sales. Until you do this, the video ad is going to be useless.
Type of Image Ads
In general, most of the stats involve the use of a single image and those aren't as successful. However, if a marketer wishes to run an image-based ad campaign, it's still possible to bring in good results. This can be done with the help of a carousel. In essence, the carousel is going to have 2+ images on it that can be rotated through by the user. The idea of doing this is to provide a well-rounded image ad people can engage with. Please note, this has to be done right or it will still fall behind quality video ads.
Final Thoughts
In the end, Facebook video ads are far better when it comes to user engagement, ROI, and general returns. Anyone that's looking to optimize their ad campaign and want to do it the right way has to start here. Of course, this doesn't mean image ads are useless!
Image ads can be used as a way to mix things up and test your target audience. In some cases, the target audience might respond better to image ads. It's dependent on a wide array of variables that have to be split tested beforehand.
Do your homework and run multiple split tests to see what your target audience responds to.